Hey guys CharlieB. here! Just got back from seeing some of the family back in California. Got to love that bay area weather! But back to business. Here are the the two Libby's after going through surgery and getting their new bolt pistol arms. I am going with a white primer and the primer I am using is Board To Pieces White Spray Primer. In this picture you can also see some of the other stuff i am working on like Mephiston, which I just got through a friend. And the model next to him is the body to what is going to be my Sanguinary Priest. Will update again when I have them base coated. Later Days!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Army Update: HQ (cont.)
Hey guys CharlieB. here! Just got back from seeing some of the family back in California. Got to love that bay area weather! But back to business. Here are the the two Libby's after going through surgery and getting their new bolt pistol arms. I am going with a white primer and the primer I am using is Board To Pieces White Spray Primer. In this picture you can also see some of the other stuff i am working on like Mephiston, which I just got through a friend. And the model next to him is the body to what is going to be my Sanguinary Priest. Will update again when I have them base coated. Later Days!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Army Update: HQ

Hey guys CharlieB here. With my base list done it is time to go out and get all the models for my army. I quickly skimmed through GW online store to see what models I wanted to get. I figured I would start off with my HQ's so I looked at the librarians they had. It might be just me but I'm not a big fan of them the only one I really like is the one with the staff and book but I would probably end off cutting his staff for a sword anyway. So I decided to go looking around some forums to see what other people had done for their Libby HQs. After lurking on some of my favorite sites I came across one made from a Justicar by Koyote on Bolter and Chainsword and needless to say I immediately fell in love with not just the model but also the paint scheme he uses. So as I type this I am in the process of cutting off the arms with the storm bolters on my Justicars. As Soon as I am done and have them primed I will update you guys again. Later days!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Troops: How much is too many and how much is not enough?

Hey everyone CharlieB here and hope all of you are having a Happy 4th of July! Well I have question for you to chew on. When it comes to troops how many do you need? With 2/3 missions in the BRB objective missions do you have to have a certain amount of troops? When you guys make your army lists do you have to have a certain number or percentage of troops, or do just take the minimum of two? Like me for example I only have two troop choices in my 1500pt. list because I feel like that i enough. Where as my friend takes two in 1250 and every 250 adds at least one more.
When it comes to objectives how do you feel about them? Like is it a I have to get as many as possible, or a I just have to have one more then my opponent type of thing? I am definitely for the latter. But which side are y'all on or do you have a different thinking about them? Well lets see some input, later days!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
1500pt. List
HQ 1: Librarian: 125pt.
- Jump pack, Shield of Sanguinius, and Blood lance/boil
HQ 1: Librarian: 125pt.
- Jump pack, Shield of Sanguinius, and Blood lance/boil
Elite 1: Sanguinary Priest x 2: 150pt.
- Power weapon
Troops 1:Assault Squad, Sergeant and 4 Marines: 140pt.
- Power weapon, Infernus pistol, and Meltagun
Dedicated Transport: Razorback: 65pt.
- TL-Assault cannon and Hunter-killer missile
Troops 2: Assault Squad, Sergeant and 4 Marines: 140pt.
- Power weapon, Infernus pistol, and Meltagun
Deadicated Transport: Razorback: 65pt.
- TL-Assault cannon and Hunter-killer missile
Fast Attack 1: Baal Predator: 115pt.
- TL-Assault cannon
Fast Attack 2: Baal Predator: 115pt.
- TL-Assault cannon
Heavy Support 1: Vindicator: 145pt.
Heavy Support 2: Vindicator: 145pt.
Heavy Support 3: Devastator Squad, Sergeant and 4 Marines: 110pt.
- 2 Missile launchers
Dedicated Transport: Rhino: 50pt.
Army Total: 1490pt.
I plan on running my army in two detachments, that's one of the reasons why I have duplicates of most of my army. The other reason being if one of my tanks get hit by that lucky first turn Lascannon shot and destroyed I still have one more to get the job done, plus I have like this OCD with symmetry. So usually each detachment includes a Librarian, an Assault squad w/ Priest in Razorback, a Baal pred, and a Vindicator. Then I place my Devs in their Rhino behind cover or in someplace where the enemy can't hit them.
I take the Librarians to give their detachments that much needed 5+ cover save. I also either give them Blood lance or Blood boil as their second psychic power. The reason being that with Blood lance I can take out big units and tanks that come close to my detachment, whereas with Blood boil I can snipe out important models in my enemy's units. I haven't played enough games yet to see which one I like more, as they have both been helpful in the games I used them in.
As you have noticed I only run two troop units in my army and small troop units at that. But that is because by giving the a Razorback and a priest I fell they are as good as any ten man squad of Assault marines. Having Furious charge and Feel no pain are great so each squad get their own Priest. I run my Priest with a Power weapon to add some extra oomph to my squads, I would never give a priest a Power fist because I don't want to other unit attacking me back and having a chance to kill my Priest. I give my sergeants Infernus pistols and one Marine a Meltagun that way if I am trying to destroy a tank I have a better chance. And to top it off they are all wrapped in a Assault cannon Razorback which helps whittle down Infantry and can take out low armor value tanks.
I take my Baal predators plain I use to take Heavy bolter until I realized how much of a waste of points it was.I don't know if you have read The 12" AssCan by Jawaballs (if not go read it right now!) but it was eye opening. I always move 12" with my tanks anyways which meant I was never using my Heavy bolters so why take them? So I just take the Assault cannon on my Baals and save the 60pt.
I don't think I need to say much about my Vindicators I mean they are Vindicators I put one in each detachment to lay down str. 10 big blast templates.
Now on to my Devs I see a lot of Blood angel players shun them like they are the red headed step child of the codex, but I love them. I think when people think of Devastator they think shooty/Earth army unit. But I believe they can be in Mech armies too, and here's how. First you pick what heavy weapon you want, for me I pick MIssile launcher cheap, can take out tanks and infantry, I like em. Then you take a Devastator squad with two of them in the unit and you really only need two because you are going to buy them a Rhino. Now you are not going to have one of those footslogging Devastator squads that sit on the highest piece of terrain ad don't move for the entire battle. What you have is a devastator squad who on one turn you move them up to 18" getting them in a place where they need to be, pop smoke, then next turn can fire at that unit. You won't get two fire every turn, but you will get to fire at what needs to be taken down then move on to the next one.
HQ 1: Librarian: 125pt.
- Jump pack, Shield of Sanguinius, and Blood lance/boil
HQ 1: Librarian: 125pt.
- Jump pack, Shield of Sanguinius, and Blood lance/boil
Elite 1: Sanguinary Priest x 2: 150pt.
- Power weapon
Troops 1:Assault Squad, Sergeant and 4 Marines: 140pt.
- Power weapon, Infernus pistol, and Meltagun
Dedicated Transport: Razorback: 65pt.
- TL-Assault cannon and Hunter-killer missile
Troops 2: Assault Squad, Sergeant and 4 Marines: 140pt.
- Power weapon, Infernus pistol, and Meltagun
Deadicated Transport: Razorback: 65pt.
- TL-Assault cannon and Hunter-killer missile
Fast Attack 1: Baal Predator: 115pt.
- TL-Assault cannon
Fast Attack 2: Baal Predator: 115pt.
- TL-Assault cannon
Heavy Support 1: Vindicator: 145pt.
Heavy Support 2: Vindicator: 145pt.
Heavy Support 3: Devastator Squad, Sergeant and 4 Marines: 110pt.
- 2 Missile launchers
Dedicated Transport: Rhino: 50pt.
Army Total: 1490pt.
I plan on running my army in two detachments, that's one of the reasons why I have duplicates of most of my army. The other reason being if one of my tanks get hit by that lucky first turn Lascannon shot and destroyed I still have one more to get the job done, plus I have like this OCD with symmetry. So usually each detachment includes a Librarian, an Assault squad w/ Priest in Razorback, a Baal pred, and a Vindicator. Then I place my Devs in their Rhino behind cover or in someplace where the enemy can't hit them.
I take the Librarians to give their detachments that much needed 5+ cover save. I also either give them Blood lance or Blood boil as their second psychic power. The reason being that with Blood lance I can take out big units and tanks that come close to my detachment, whereas with Blood boil I can snipe out important models in my enemy's units. I haven't played enough games yet to see which one I like more, as they have both been helpful in the games I used them in.
As you have noticed I only run two troop units in my army and small troop units at that. But that is because by giving the a Razorback and a priest I fell they are as good as any ten man squad of Assault marines. Having Furious charge and Feel no pain are great so each squad get their own Priest. I run my Priest with a Power weapon to add some extra oomph to my squads, I would never give a priest a Power fist because I don't want to other unit attacking me back and having a chance to kill my Priest. I give my sergeants Infernus pistols and one Marine a Meltagun that way if I am trying to destroy a tank I have a better chance. And to top it off they are all wrapped in a Assault cannon Razorback which helps whittle down Infantry and can take out low armor value tanks.
I take my Baal predators plain I use to take Heavy bolter until I realized how much of a waste of points it was.I don't know if you have read The 12" AssCan by Jawaballs (if not go read it right now!) but it was eye opening. I always move 12" with my tanks anyways which meant I was never using my Heavy bolters so why take them? So I just take the Assault cannon on my Baals and save the 60pt.
I don't think I need to say much about my Vindicators I mean they are Vindicators I put one in each detachment to lay down str. 10 big blast templates.
Now on to my Devs I see a lot of Blood angel players shun them like they are the red headed step child of the codex, but I love them. I think when people think of Devastator they think shooty/Earth army unit. But I believe they can be in Mech armies too, and here's how. First you pick what heavy weapon you want, for me I pick MIssile launcher cheap, can take out tanks and infantry, I like em. Then you take a Devastator squad with two of them in the unit and you really only need two because you are going to buy them a Rhino. Now you are not going to have one of those footslogging Devastator squads that sit on the highest piece of terrain ad don't move for the entire battle. What you have is a devastator squad who on one turn you move them up to 18" getting them in a place where they need to be, pop smoke, then next turn can fire at that unit. You won't get two fire every turn, but you will get to fire at what needs to be taken down then move on to the next one.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
With Librarians being kind of a big deal in the Blood Angels codex I was wondering how do you guys loadout your Libby's? Do you take Power armor or upgrade it to Terminator? Do you buy him a jump pack or just give him Wings of Sanguinius? I myself usually run two of them with Power armor and jump packs, and the powers I use are Shield of Sanguinius and either Blood lance or Blood boill. Well leave some comments about your favorite librarian loadouts. Later days.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Blood Angels FAQ

Hey everyone CharlieB here. The Blood Angels FAQ came out today. what are all your guys thoughts and opinions about it. Things get cleared up for you or questions still unanswered? I for one am glad they put that vehicles get cover from Shield of Sanguinius because there is this one guy at my local store who swears up and down they don't. Well hope the FAQ is good news to someone else too. Later days.
Hey Everyone welcome to my Blood Angel Blog. I will be posting the updates to my army, batreps, tactics, and fun discussion here. So don't be shy sign follow my blog and put in your input! If you would like you can also follow me on twitter to get impromptu updates on what I am doing with my army, and how I am doing in battles and tournaments. Well hope you all enjoy, later days.
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